Sunday, May 25, 2008


Recently, don’t why and what causing me thinking about Migration. Maybe due to during WCIT there is magazine recommend Nova Scotia, Canada (

Anyhow, this dream have being set long time ago. Since Form 5, I have a dream which to work oversea. It is not due to any other special reason. It is merely want to live in other country and to learn their live style.

However, it is not an easy task. Too many area need to consider and plan. From every aspect of our current live. Since myself always outstation which I can feel that migration to other country can be a dream ONLY. Mission Impossible! Unless…. I become and millionaire in the country which plan to migrate. Million Ringgit is not much when converted to US.

I was wondering, how other people handle and overcome this pressure. Just wondering…… and wondering….

Happiness,Sadness + Blurriness

2 month and 5days been over since my last blog update. It is very tough to maintain consistency. To those able to keep momentum and consistency, what I can said is ‘Respect’. For the past 2month, it happen quiet a lot og thing which mainly can categories in Happiness, Sadness and Blurriness.

Happiness, which during this period, I have meet quiet a number of success person from around the world. I met Pak Lah and DPM, I met Ah Eng (new CM of Penang), I met Ah Koon (ex-CM of PG), I attend speech given by Intel, Geogle, Microsoft and other non-profit organization like OPERATION FOR SMILE key person during WCIT 2008. From this congress, learn a lot about future of ICT as well as how ICT can help the poor via Non-profit organization.

Sadness. Federal and state government which control by difference party, are NOT able to work together for RAKYAT benefit. If continue such working environment, how to able to achieve vision 2020? Same thing in company working environment, if there is no friendly environment, how we able to achieve highest achieve.

Blurriness. Really since past 30 over year, I still have no clear direction what should achieve before I go to meet my father. No direction being set. No objective being set. No plan in place. No no no no no. Everything still in blur. just wonder when this Blurriness can be clear…..